Friday, May 21, 2010

Upgrade Woes, Take 2

I've been once again been put into a tough spot by our upgrade policy. Just recently I had to upgrade a client to a build not even a few weeks old in order to give them a bug fix. In case you're wondering why we didn't just patch the branch that they were on, it's because we don't generally do this for branches more than one or two months old. I think this is silly, considering that other ISVs will support a branch with patches and fixes for months or even years. I can't think of another software product released on such an insane build schedule as ours.


Today the customer called in (for the 4th time this week) with another interesting bug. After spending about an hour tweaking a stored proc thinking it was a change I had made two days ago, another guy came and told me that it's likely a code change he included in a couple of builds. It comes as a *complete* surprise that there might be bugs in a new, untested build. The fix, of course, is to put them on a newer build. This build has had even fewer minutes of testing. Any guesses on where this is going?